Monday, September 26, 2011

Repose of St. John the Theologian

St. John is my patron Saint, chosen both because my first name is John and because I have always had an affinity for his writing and felt a particular closeness to him.  Though I chose him to be my patron, in a more realistic sense he chose me long before.  Tonight's service, as with all of the feast days which commemorate St. John, was therefore particularly special for me. 

Pray unto God for me, O holy Saint John, well pleasing to God, for I turn unto thee, who art the speedy helper and intercessor for my soul.

"O Apostle John, speaker of divinity, the beloved of Christ God, hasten and deliver thy people powerless in argument; for He on Whose bosom thou didst lean accepteth thee as an intercessor. Beseech Him, therefore, to disperse the cloud of the stubborn nations, asking for us safety and the Great Mercy."

-- Apolytikion of St. John the Theologian

1 comment:

Jim said...

St. John is one of my fav's too. He was the first Gospel I ever read, given to me by the Evangelicals who had just the Gospel of John portion to hand out for purposes of worked! Glory to God!